Directions: Take 1-6 capsules, or as needed, of Pure L-Arginine-HCL (Elemental) per day on an empty stomach with water or fruit juice. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for proper metabolism, and B-Complete (or B-Long) and Vita-Minz Plus are recommended. For vascular health, and high blood pressure, Pure L-Arginine-HCL (Elemental) may be combined with Vas-Cu-Care to increase nitric oxide production and maximize total endothelial support. Those with active Herpes (genital or “cold sores”), or elevated titers to the herpes virus, EBV, Mono or similar viruses should take additional Lysine to maintain the proper Lysine/Arginine balance of at least twice the amount of Lysine to Arginine ratio. To prevent biochemical competition of these amino acids, take Arginine approximately 1-½ hours after Lysine supplementation.

Interactions: None known.

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